Whilst a lot of our posts and current work will be focused on the 309s, we at the group also feel it is very important to highlight the withdrawal of the second generation fleet. This being the 317s last month and sadly this month the withdrawal of the last unrefurbished 321s and 322s in East Anglia.
More on the 321s later in the month, as yesterday we were invited to have a look around what is now the last accessible 317 in the country, the DTSO Vehicle of 317345 at the EARM. We brought our keys and were able to get an in depth look around the vehicle, and discuss the future plans for it (which are still all a bit hush hush for now!) Nice to also unlock a few panels to see things only fitters would, and have a quick go at the controls... no air Res or power to make anything actually happen!
We brought the 317 Farewell headboard that we made for the last day, and in the long term we are looking to loan this to the museum to be displayed in the vehicle when it opens to the public in the future.
Hope you find this of interest!
Many thanks to Jack Plumb and the rest of the team at the EARM.