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Diamond Jubilee of the 309s

Writer: CEPG ChairmanCEPG Chairman


The Clacton Express Preservation Group are finally pleased to reveal the plans we have made to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Class 309s. Unit 309 621 was the first of the units, being outshopped sometime in August 1962, therefore we are now celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of the Class.

Over the next few months, prepare for a lot of exciting announcements, Reveals, Limited Edition Merchandise and much more. As you can see, we have undergone a limited-time rebrand of all of our social media pages and website, to commemorate the occasion. This will stay in place until the end of the Jubilee celebrations.

The significant dates coming up over the next few months include:

August - the 60th Anniversary of set 621, being the first 309 outshopped from York in August 1962

December - The 60th Anniversary of set 624, Our 309 was outshopped from York in December 1962

7th January 2023 - The 60th anniversary of Entry into passenger service

To kick things off with a bang, We want to reveal the full cosmetic overhaul plans for 624. These were hoped to be completed sooner but due to several limitations, this was delayed. but the big scoop is we are temporarily repainting 624 into original BR-lined Maroon! This is likely to be a somewhat controversial choice for many but let us explain our rationale. Firstly, the current paint on the unit is 20 years old and the body is in dire need of protection. We do not have the finances, time, facilities and resources to carry out a complex repaint into Network Southeast livery yet. So as an interim the set will be painted in this scheme, due to its simplicity, and the desire to make the set look smart to the general public. We are aware of the historical inaccuracy but feel this is the best option at this time. In a few years time when money and time allow, it is still our aim to restore the full set to 1987 NSE livery.

For clarification, This is an adaptation of the original 1962 BR maroon scheme taking into consideration modifications made in its 1987 rebuild. No alterations such as replacing windows or removing the front headlight will be undertaken and the interior is to remain untouched.

We will soon publish the paint diagram documents that have been produced by us, but for now, here is a recent photograph of the front of the DTC now completely in primer and sporting a reproduction original headcode box. We hope to at least have the front of the DTC finished by the end of the jubilee celebrations but that is subject to change.

Thank you for your time, And let the Jubilee Celebrations begin!



T: 01206 670209



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